Where does CGFB operate?
We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us about your home renovation project. Here is some information about where Canberra Granny Flat and Fixed Price Extensions Builders operates and what restrictions are in place.
Where does CGFB operate?
Canberra Granny Flat Builders and Fixed Price Extensions operates within the territorial boundaries of the Australian Capital Territory.
We take on projects anywhere in the ACT reaching as far north as Bonner, Moncrief and Taylor, and as far south as Theodore, Banks, and Tuggeranong.
Does CGFB operate outside of ACT?
At the present moment, CGFB is unable to take on any projects beyond the territory border. Each state operates on its own state/territory legislation. As a result, there are differences between various procedures, protocols and laws that affect planning, design and construction phases.
As a small business, CGFB is dedicated to providing the best services we can within the Australian Capital Territory. Without compromising on quality and focus, we cannot extend the geographical scope in which we work.
Can CGFB help if I am just outside of ACT?
Unfortunately, laws are in affect from the jurisdictional border. We do not have licenses or permits to partake in projects as soon as you cross the boundary line. Regardless of if you are in Queanbeyan or Newcastle, codes and regulations are different. Each state government has different requirements.
If I live in NSW, but have a project in ACT, can CGFB help?
Of course! We would love to see what we can do to help, and what ideas we can produce to bring your vision to life. Reach out to us and we would love to meet with you and work on a project in Canberra!
Will CGFB be expanding?
At the current moment, this is not something we are focused on. What we are focused on is bringing quality work and designs to the residents of Canberra by working with other local businesses to ensure this. We thank you for your understanding.